Felix the Cat is one of the most recognized cartoon characters in history, with his iconic appearance: an anthropomorphic black cat with white eyes and a giant smile.
The $FELIX project seeks to bring the essence of this character to the world of cryptocurrencies.
The team behind the project emphasizes transparency, commitment to the community, and dedication to the fundamentals of the project.
Project Info
Audit Request
Onboarding Process
Audit Preview
Audit Release
Token Analysis
Token NameFelix the Cat
Token SymbolFELIX
Token Address
Token Decimals9
Token Total Supply1,000,000,000.00
Contract VerifiedYes
Sol LicenseNo License (None)
Contract Name
Contract Created14/06/2024
Contract LanguageSPL Token
Owner & Deployer Information
Owner Address
Deployer Address
Manual Code Review Risk Results
Can Mint?Contract owner can't mint new tokens after initial deployPass
Edit Taxes over 25%Owner can't change fees over 25%Pass
Max TransactionOwner may be able to set max transaction amount with a reasonable limit or can't change max transaction amount at all.Pass
Max WalletOwner may be able to set max wallet amount with a reasonable limit or can't change max wallet amount at all.Pass
Enable TradeTradig is already enabled.Pass
Modify TaxOwner can't change fees over 25%Pass
Honeypot Contract has no liquidity, this is an automated check - Please check again once token has liquidity and Analytix Audit updates the token to LIVE.Pass
Trading CooldownContract may have a cooldown with reasonable limits or not have a cooldown at all.Pass